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Austin Area Summer 2013

Camps and Classes in the Greater Austin Area--Summer 2013 --listing of special needs camps compiled by Easter Seals and AISD --Autism Society of Greater Austin summer camp guide and activities 2013 --various summer camps and classes, not just for special needs. --various summer camps and classes; helpful for kids with a special interest.  Not special needs camps. --general Austin-area camp guide.  Guide includes coupons for family activities. --search for camps throughout the U.S. and Canada by state, zip code, city, or interest.  Searchable by specific special need.  Not a comprehensive listing. --summer camp guide by Austin Statesman. --FREE summer school for kids who did not pass the STAAR in grade 5.  Summer school offerings in middle and high school for other students in danger of being retained due to standardized test failure.  Free breakfast and lunch. --special needs camps in Texas. --soon to have summer camp guide, including various special needs camps.

Note:  At the time that this list was updated (March 19, 2013), many local camp guides were incomplete or not yet published.  Additional special needs offerings and links to camp listing are expected.

Always look into who is running the camp and safety!  Some high functioners will do okay in a small class pertaining to a special interest, particularly if the class does not last all day, things are scheduled, and noise is controlled.  However, many camps and classes not designed for special needs may be lead by individuals without the training needed to deal with kids with autism.  Discipline issues, wandering, running, self-injurious behavior, and other issues may be too challenging for staff who are not specially trained.  Also, the student/staff ratio, length of the day, and noise level are very important.  

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