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Drawing Conclusions
Links taken from
Drawing Conclusions - A Cricket in Times Square
- Practice the skill of drawing conclusions using the text A Cricket in Times Square.
Drawing Conclusions - Choose the Clues
- Practice the drawing conclusions skill.
Drawing Conclusions - Iditarod Dream
- Practice the skill of drawing conclusions using the text Iditarod Dream.
Drawing Conclusions - Pen Pals
- Practice drawing conclusions by choosing the correct word to finish the sentence.
Drawing Conclusions - Sarah Plain and Tall
- Practice the drawing conclusions skill using the story Sarah Plain and Tall.
Drawing Conclusions - Sarah, Plain, and Tall
- Practice the drawing conclusion skill using the text Sarah, Plain, and Tall.
Drawing Conclusions - The Fun They Had
- Practice the skill drawing conclusions skill using the text The Fun They Had.
Drawing Conclusions - The Talent Show
- Practice the skill of drawing conclusions using the text The Talent Show.
Drawing Conclusions - We'll Never Forget You Roberto Clemente
- Practice using the skill of drawing conclusions using the text We'll Never Forget You Roberto Clemente.