Easter Seals and Other Featured Non-profits
Easter Seals Overview
Early Childhood Intervention
Casino Royale Gala
Easter Seals Central Texas Website
Casino Royale Gala Saturday, Feb. 23, 2013 in Austin, Texas --a very fun fundraiser featuring celebrity impersonators, auctions, casino games, cash bar, and more!
Donate Items to be Sold at Savers
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Any Baby Can of San Antonio
http://www.anybabycan.org/--Advocacy, guidance, and other help for families of children with disabilities and handicaps, including children with Autism. Offices in Austin and San Antonio.
Imagine a Way Video
http://www.imagineawayfoundation.org/--funding for therapy for children ages 2-6 in the Austin, Texas area.
Autism Society of Greater Austin--sign up for the Yahoo! group to discuss Central Texas resources with other members and download the local resource guide.
Autism Speaks Facebook--learn about resources in the Austin area from Autism Speaks.
Note: freevideosforautistickids.com donates free ad space to favored local and national non-profits, including those above. freevideosforautistickids.com is not associated with these organizations.